Dr. De la Cruz Cosme visits patients in two private consultations:

CONSULTATION IN WEST MÁLAGA (Next to Hospital Quironsalud Málaga)

Avda. Imperio Argentina, 5. Portal 5. 1ºA.

29004 Malaga

Telephone: 613 033 243 (Mondays from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., outside these hours, WhatsApp)

Previous Appointment Required

You can make an appointment by calling the above telephone number.

You can also provide us with your name and telephone number by email ( and we will call you as soon as possible to make an appointment. Likewise, you can write an SMS or WhatsApp to the phone and we will contact you as soon as possible.

ONSULTATION IN MÁLAGA CENTER (Centro Clínico Integral Psiquiátrico: CIPS)

Alameda de Colón, 12. Portal 1. 3ºC.

29001 Malaga

Telephone: 952 228 306 / 620 70 01 03

Previous Appointment Required

You can make an appointment by calling any of the above phone numbers.

You can also provide your name and telephone number by email ( and we will call you as soon as possible to make an appointment. Likewise, you can write an SMS or WhatsApp to the indicated mobile phone and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Dr. Carlos de la Cruz Cosme continues holding consultation in public health system, in the dependencies of the Neurology Department of the Virgen de la Victoria University Hospital in Malaga (Andalusian Health Service).

The management of appointments is carried out in accordance with the regulations and instructions in force at all times in the Andalusian Health Service, being awarded by their appointment systems.