Movement disorders
The extraordinary complexity of the neural networks that allow our movements becomes evident when an injury occurs in any of the nuclei or nerve pathways that control them. Due to excess (hyperkinetic disorders, such as chorea) or defect (hypokinetic disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease), these problems significantly interfere with the activities of the person, affecting their independence and quality of life.
In some cases, the cause of these disorders is a drug or poison to which the person has been exposed. In others, it is due to strategic lesions in the nervous system, either due to trauma, as a consequence of a stroke, or due to neurodegenerative or genetic causes. In all cases, a correct first syndromic diagnosis, which allows to correctly guide the necessary diagnostic tests, and then an etiological diagnosis (of the cause), will give us the opportunity to take the appropriate measures to cure or, if this is not possible, relieve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.